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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Jesus Walks On Water

Have you ever heard of the story of Jesus walking on water? I have and I love it!!! It is one of my favorite stories in the whole entire Bible. I like it because it talks about how we should never stop trusting Jesus. We read of this account in Matthew 14:22-33. It basically teaches us that should always put our faith into Jesus Christ. After all he did die on the cross for our sins. We owe him that much. If we can't trust him or lose trust in him then there's a problem some where!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Christmas Concert

Tomorrow night is my first band concert. I am just in the 6th grade and just joined band this year. We have worked so hard preparing for tomorrow so we don't sound bad. As we go through this Christmas season we need to remember and be grateful for our families, what we have, and the fact we have a chance to go to Heaven because of Christ dying on the cross. So many times we get caught up in what we want for Christmas and the music we like to listen to during this season on the radio that we forget to think of other people. Yeah we all love Christmas music and opening presents on Christmas Day, and even going to band Christmas concerts but we need to remember that we are Christians and others are supposed to come before us.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

My God Brothers Birthday Party

Train, snow, and football! These are three words to describe my god brothers b-day party. Can you keep a secret? I know I can't! It was so hard not to tell him. On November 12, 2015, he turned five! Just think! Five years ago he was still 0. It is awesome how God created man kind. God created the heavens and the earth and thanks to him we are alive and well. We love God and we should not disobey him.

Christmas Parade

Yesterday our Church participated in the Pleasent Grove Christmas parade. We worked really hard making our float look like an igloo. We all even dressed up like penguins. Everyone worked so hard to get the float together spending hours and hours gluing milk cartoons together to form the igloo. We have participated in this parade for a few years now with our goal being to hopefully get people to come to visit our Church and even for us to spread God's Word. Sometimes people get it stuck in their heads that they can't do anything to get someone to Church but that's not true. Even the smallest things you do or participate in can help someone realize that Jesus is the son of God and that God is OUR FATHER. Even the little kids can make a difference like they did yesterday by riding on the float. We should always be on our best behavior and act the way God wants us to at all times because you never know whose watching what you do and what impact that you will have on them. Who knows maybe we will have some extra visitors at Church this morning. Boy I sure do hope so!!!

Sunday, November 29, 2015


What is your favorite movie? Have you ever looked at the rating of some of the movies that you watch? If not then you better start checking them. There are just some movies that you should NOT watch especially as Christians. If people see us in a movie theater or even at home watching a certain one with foul language or nudity in it then they will think it's ok for anyone to watch and that's just NOT true. Don't get me wrong I like to watch movies but I know that I can't watch certain ones. We have to do what God says and not what other people think or what we want to do. Some movies are just not fit for anyone of any age to watch. They aren't going to put Christians don't watch this movie. We have to make that judgment on our own.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

My Favorite Church Song

My favorite church song is Trust and Obey. It reminds us of how we should act and put our entire trust into God. God made us and gave us the Bible to go by. We should always obey Him just like the song says. The song also tells us to always trust Him no matter how hard it is to trust anyone at that point in time. God made us all! He would NEVER lead us down the wrong path in life. Without Him we would be completely lost in this crazy messed up World. 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Moutain Dew

Recently I went to the store and saw something very interesting!!! When I went to the drink section I saw a very unique limited time drink. It had a unique name just like us. Our unique name is Christians. We have a limited amount of time just like the drink that I saw. One day like the it we will no longer be here. God will come and we will be judged by our actions. Some ascend into Heaven while others will be sent to Hell. From the time you are born till the time you die you have a limited amount of time to get your life right with God. Just like a unique drink we as Christians need to be unique too. We can't be of the World but above the World. It is our job to get our own lives right with God and earn our way into Heaven while making a difference in someone else's life and getting them to Heaven too.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Lords Supper

The Lords Supper is something everyone that is baptized into Christ is supposed to take every Sunday morning. First we have the bread which represents Jesus' body on the cross. Then there is the grape juice which represents Jesus' blood. After these two are taken we are given the chance to give back to the Church in which we were given. We need to do all these things in remembrance of him. When you are baptized you start taking the Lords Supper. If you miss that morning then Sunday night you are given an opportunity to take it then . God sent his son to die on the cross for our sins so we do this we should never forget the meaning behind the Lords Supper

Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Apostles

The apostles are a group of Christians from the Bible that were friends with Jesus. He didn't pick them for their wisdom or for how smart or tough they were. He picked them because of what was in their hearts and how good and poor they were. This teaches us that we can't pick our friends based on what they wear, how much money they have, or even how popular they are. We must look in deep into their hearts and find the true treasure. In conclusion we need be more like Jesus in this time in the world and chose our friends wisely and be like the apostles and have a sincere heart.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Standing Up Against Peer Presure At School

Some times people try to make me do stuff that is wrong but I don't do it. It makes me mad when people do that because I don't want to do something that is wrong, but it also makes me happy that I didn't give in to them. Sometimes I catch myself considering to give in to the peer pressure. It gets hard being around people that aren't Christians but I know that God will be with me and help me get through it. While I'm at school I hear other kids cussing and acting crazy and it's sad because they don't think there is anything wrong with what they are doing. We can read of a time when even Jesus was tempted in Luke chapter 4 verse 12. People will always be tempted but we have to find a way around it no matter what. If Jesus can do it so can we!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

I Went to my Paw Paws Today

I went to my paw paws today. It was fun!!!!! We watched the Mississippi vs Alabama game. Alabama lost the game.Them losing was sad for me and my paw paw but I had fun. The next day we ATE WAFFLES FOR BREAKFAST!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE SPENDING TIME WITH MY PAW PAW AND CANT WAIT TO SPEND TIME WITH HIM AGAIN SOON!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

My First Year in Band

This year I decided to be in the band. We had instrument selection on August 8th and I choose to play the SAXOPHONE!!!!!! This past week we played the 1st and 2nd note. It is really fun!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to stay in band in middle school.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

First Post

This is my first time ever having a blog and I'm super excited. I hope that you will enjoy looking at my blog and reading what I have to say!