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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Moutain Dew

Recently I went to the store and saw something very interesting!!! When I went to the drink section I saw a very unique limited time drink. It had a unique name just like us. Our unique name is Christians. We have a limited amount of time just like the drink that I saw. One day like the it we will no longer be here. God will come and we will be judged by our actions. Some ascend into Heaven while others will be sent to Hell. From the time you are born till the time you die you have a limited amount of time to get your life right with God. Just like a unique drink we as Christians need to be unique too. We can't be of the World but above the World. It is our job to get our own lives right with God and earn our way into Heaven while making a difference in someone else's life and getting them to Heaven too.


Unknown said...

You are young and still learning, but I pray that one day you will make the most important decision in your life, to become a Christian. On that day, the happiness, excitement, and relief I will feel will surely bring tears to my eyes, just like the night your uncle Chris was baptized. Ask Tina about that night. It involved a flying chair and a can of bug spray. :-)

Emily said...

Great thoughts!